
I've been m.i.a. as I had another trip to Portland a week after The Fling.  My husband's family had a reunion the 3 brothers, wives & children and my husband's folks.  My garden is in a typical August state, with overgrowth and even more scorching here & there.  I can't seem to focus on any one area like I need to.  I went out to deadhead and saw the Spirea by the driveway looking especially horrific.  I don't actually think it's dead, but that thing is a goner. Also that canna could use some reigning in. 

I know it's August when the compost bins are prettier than the actual garden :(.  

As I got to tackling the Spirea, I thought maybe I'll just keep going and clear the whole space!  It's roughly 16' long x 6' deep.  Partial shade except next to the driveway, the possibilities! The further into the web of roots, the more I was changing my tune.  Hmmm, well maybe not everything. *That looks like nothing, but it was a challenge to get out - took me an hour.  There was a sapling of some sort that complicated the removal.  
Good riddance!  I was a sweaty mess by the time I gladly hucked it into the bin.  It's cooled to 92 today, thankfully.
Still, more improvements need to be made.  This needs defining.  The crocosmia is a mess and I think that's a Ribes Sanguineum, currant coming up which would be entirely too tall for this spot.  I came in for a drink of water and maybe I'll just have an early lunch to think things over.  

A few nice things to come home to, the Crassula falcatas are blooming.  

A shy begonia bloom.

I've done a good amount of traveling in July/August and managed not to catch covid-Knock on wood! My sympathies to everyone who did, it is an energy zapper.   
Some lunch for me, and then decisions to make.


  1. You work hard at your garden and it shows. we don’t have much, and the daylilies are all but done and the echinacea is starting to fade, or much of it is. /AC

    1. Yes, I feel the same - much more to chop back out there.

  2. August is pretty much always a downer for me. I start questioning just about everything I've planted. If it wasn't generally too hot to get much done, I'd probably pull up half the garden. This time around, Covid has kept me from attempting any whirlwind cleanup sprees - maybe I'll manage to hold off the hack jobs until September, when cooler temperatures and a cooler head allow me to see things in perspective. I'm off to see if any of my Crassula falcata have deigned to flower yet.

    1. Oh Kris, I feel this. I have a lot of ?'s for myself. Right now I'm ok pulling things up and chopping, but need to remember it's a horrible time to plant anything. I sure hope that covid passes soon!

  3. Cooled down to 92? Yeah, it's okay to let things slide for a bit. August can be such a blah month.

  4. August is the worst, but at least you get to assess what needs to be redone.

    1. Yes, as long as I can stick to pruning & ditching (not planting) I should make it, haha.

  5. Yesterday was 96 and smokey so all I did outside was water a bit. I too have got an area I'm reworking and trying to make sure I stop and think things thru rather than get carried away. It's easy to do, even in August!

    1. Oh no, smokey and hot is the worst. I got a good amount thrown out yesterday and am feeling inspired. I can't wait to see the area you are reworking, I do love a makeover.

  6. Cooled down to 92, cooled down to 92...oh my. I'm impressed how you can do anything outdoors in that heat, and look at all that you did!

    1. We're getting a week of 80's starting Sunday, which is fantastic for August!

  7. Cooled down to 92°.... WAY too hot for me: you'd find me sitting in the shade with a frosty drink till mid September probably. I find your late summer garden looking good, exuberant really (crocosmia Lucifer!). Maybe a little tinkering here and there, as that's what us gardeners live for.

    1. Thank you, I didn't show the real ugly parts. And you're right just having fun tinkering in August is the way to go.

  8. Not feeling the heat nor the August browns either. Can't believe you dug UP the spiraea. I would have been tempted to cut it down and plant something right next to it to hide the branch stubs. Lazy @%% gardener technique right there, but August has me uninspired. I might go out tomorrow and do some creative chopping of my own. The midsummer annuals have dried up and it's time to move the seeds to more opportune locations.

    1. I really feel the same, August brown. I adhere to the "leave the stump method", but this was right at the corner of a path and I knew it would drive me bonkers. Have fun with the chopdown!

  9. Hello, I understand. We had a wind storm, and boom just like that the garden changes. But after a cup of tea and a cookie, I went out and started to clean up. I moved some pots in some areas that took a hit.
    Love, Carla

    1. Your recommendation of tea and a cookie is ALWAYS a good one!

  10. Wow, you have beautiful gardens. I love that begonia in bloom.

    1. Thank you, I love the foliage on that begonia.


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