Spring Clean for the May Queen
I've been busy cleaning over this gorgeous warm weekend. My focus Saturday was around the raised garden beds. I also managed to get this rain chain planted out with succulent cuttings, they'll be in dappled shade when the birch tree leaves appear. We will see if this ends up being cute. I filled a brass one as well for the front of the house, attached to the gutter - I think I like the black better? Anyway, they will both look better as they fill in. You can see I've got clutter everywhere to put away, embarrassing! Well, I'm just going to show the whole mess of it. Here is the before. This is definitely the "junk drawer" of my garden. But it's about time to put tomato plants in so I need to get cleaning. I'm waiting on a few more cauliflower before I clear those beds. There are also radishes & carrots that are delicious right now. Last year I struggled getting to the tomatoes because of a too closely planted rose, Princess Alexandra o...