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In my last post I talked of making changes to the front, and I did do some clean-up. Somehow I found myself in the back again. Our palms back there have grown so high they don't provide any relief from seeing the neighbor's roof of a ? I don't know what that is. Luckily the slope provides some privacy. It drives me bonkers, thankfully they don't peer over the fence, haha. In an effort to erase that roofline from my sight, I will plant some nice tall things on top of the palm roots. The palms don't mind, so far anyway. I've added a few things up top this way, a Banksia and uh oh I think the Azara is dead. It's really blending in nicely with the black fence. First I scouted the slope for rocks to build up a "planting nest". Here is one hidden, serving no purpose! Heavier than I imagined, and it is a slope so good footing is imperative. I rolled it up, feeling like a crafty cavewoman. I popped in a pretty Podocarpus el...