Spring is in the air!  A week of blue sky & sunshine is very welcome. The Abutilon "Talini's Pink' flowering maple has some nice clumps of blooms opening.   

I know rosemary is common, but the early purpley-blue flowers make it a keeper.  Plus it's fabulous with crispy potatoes & garlic. Does the flower look purple to you, or more blue?  I think people tend to not quite agree on what is purple & what is blue.  
String of Pearls making some cute blooms, hanging from the cherry tree.

And lots of clean-up this time of year.  The older I get the harder it is to sit and/or squat for hours.  My hip!  My fabulous idea of a "ribbon" of black lava rock picks up lots of needles, and the rock is lightweight I can't just use the blower - it's blows everything!

I'm not meaning to complain, it's GREAT to be outside! Moss rock sprouted a nice spot of moss :)
Blue barrel cactus have sprouted their cute circus tent looking buds.
I adore this echeveria -I think it's devotion? it is so velvety and looks nice year round.  
And one of the cauliflower was ready to pick.  Definitely having this for dinner.  
Are you feeling spring where you are?    Below- Dr. Feelgood, yearning.


  1. The cauliflower looks like a winner. Yum. As regards rosemary, I love it common or not. The blooms almost have a two-tone look...sort of purple-y-blue. A dark lavender? Anyway, if I were a pollinator I'd be all over 'em.

    1. I love the rosemary too, I agree with you on the color. The bees do love it!

  2. Beautiful flowers and vegetables! It is sunny and nice here today as well. I've been in the garden all day.

    1. Yes Phillip! Thank you, and being in the sun does feel wonderful.

  3. I know what you mean about squatting! Cleanup is my least favorite thing to do -- after weeding. I wish magic elves existed!

    1. hahaha! Yes, wouldn't that be nice. We could just leave a little note of what we wanted done overnight.

  4. Actually feeling a little springy here too, I'm trying to not get too into the idea, as it is only mid-February. I love the cute cactus circus tent buds!

    1. It's a glorious weekend! I know I'm trying to keep my wits about me and not do anything rash.

  5. The Abutilon is beautiful, as is that Echeveria. It's still cool here but not cold and it's pleasantly sunny. I'm hoping we dry out a bit before the next storm arrives - it looks like another atmospheric river stretching from Saturday through Tuesday.

    1. ty, I'm apprehensive for this next one Kris. Because it looks like no breaks, ah!

  6. I thought before I read the description of the first flowering plant that it was a Chinese lantern. The flowers are so similar. And now I have gardener's envy - you have a flowering string of pearls?! I can't get them to grow, but have tried, several times!

    1. String of pearls can be wishy washy. I've had them die as well. I think this one is happy hanging from the tree, maybe because of the protection during hot summer?

    2. This might be a dumb question, but can they be air plants, like Spanish Moss? Or do you have yours in soil? I could try growing one in a shaded area under a tree, but I'm not sure how to go about it!

    3. Mine is in soil with pumice mixed in for quick drainage. I haven't ever tried it without, I'd think it would be too dry?

    4. That makes sense. I may try growing one again, but I've already had so many failures!

  7. Beautiful flowers!
    Hoping for an early Spring here in northeast Mississippi

  8. String of pearls would be a house plant here and I don't see it often. So cool you have it growing outdoors.

  9. I gave up on my river of rock too. Just too hard to keep clean and I had better things to do with my time. The younger rosemary flowers look more blue and the older ones more purple. String of pearl flowers are adorable.


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