
The storm on Saturday brought lots of rain .70" to Livermore and strong winds.  A few boards of our fence blew over.  A few branches blew into the back, but nothing too damaging. It is a relief that everything got a good drink. Sunday was gorgeous.  I've been meaning to post this pic - A fern Ivan mounted on a grow pole, plus a little Hoya vining it's way underneath - I moved to the back in a warmer spot for the Hoya. *S, can you chime in with the fern ID? 

Olivia and I drove to Berkeley, nabbed Sophia and went back to Urban Ore.  *I was inspired by Loree, DangerGarden Blog  post on her visit to The Tropics Inc. Also, stir crazy from a day inside. I was hoping to pick up a street grate from a pile they had available the last time I visited. 

 So many windows!  I'd love to build a little house made up of these. 

Oooh, something rusty?

Ah, weights for all those windows.
I liked this old crank/press thing, does anyone know what that was used for? I'd love to use that base as a planter, but at $425, too rich for my blood.
Half of a chair, I love the lion head in the middle.
I was drawn to the bike rack, I stood there staring at that quite a while trying to come up with a good reason to bring it home. 
I was intrigued by this dramatic lamp shade, for planting obviously.  It turns out, it's a GUBI and over $100.  Hahaha, I have no idea what a Gubi is, but I'm not paying that much for a fancy funnel.
Alas, all the grates were gone.  Oh, oh my! Do I see more of the clay flue liners? The 3 squares were a little cracked, the 5 round ones were perfect.  Can you guess what I went for?  I will say they were heavy, and my arms were sore when I woke up this morning.  I also nabbed a big holey rock, that took 2 tries to get to the car. 
This post is all over the place, sorry about that.  We had a lovely sushi lunch and shopped a bit. As we were walking back to the car Sophia asked us "do you want to visit the vivarium, it's just a block away". Why noooooot? 
Little tree frog.
Such a dapper mustache!
I'm afraid of snakes.  I have to admit, when I saw this around a corner I gasped loudly. Peekaboo. A lavender x albino reticulated phython.  A steal at $1,500 for "Cupcake". 
An albino Burmese python, only $450.  No nickname.

I prefer my pets fluffy.  Just outside the door, this guy was calmly sitting.  I wondered if they were feeding him? 
To cleanse the palate, I will end with a photo of noID Aloe- but my guess it is Aloe aculeata.
She's a sharp one!
Merry Christmas to everyone!  While we are getting some more rain this morning, this week should be a mild one. 


  1. Sometimes it's just good to get out and take a look around. I'm not a fan of snakes, either.

    1. Yes, a day out was needed - and it's always interesting to walk around Berkeley.

  2. Wow, you had a fun day full of special adventures! I'm glad you didn't have much damage from the tornado. The critters are nifty!

  3. Oh my snakes alive ... Cupcake, well that is a fun name for a snake.
    Happy Christmas ... the countdown is ON!

    1. I laughed at Cupcake, sounds more like a little white kitten.

  4. We've an 'antique' store near us that has a ton of rusty crap for sale. The owner is a hoarder. The house was declared unliveable. So weird.
    I enjoy your part of the world. Sorry about the tornado. We anticipate rain on top of snow tonight. sigh.
    Those snakes are so pretty. My grandie would love them. As I do!

    1. I'll admit the snakes were pretty in their own way. Extreme hoarding is very sad.

  5. Loree's discoveries are always interesting so I'm not surprised you went looking for your own treasures - if I had a place like that nearby I'd haunt it from time to time too. I loved the bike rack. The snakes not so much. I'm not afraid of them per se but most do give me the creeps - my brother was into snakes when we were kids and that was enough exposure for me.

    1. Yeah, I think scared was the wrong description. They make me feel uneasy.

  6. Well, that's a cool hoya with the leaves all snuggled up against the grow pole. I accidentally had a cocktail before reading your blog, and as soon as I saw the aloe I heard the famous French song about aloes in my mind - you know... Aloetta gentille aloette, aloetta je te plumerai, Je te plumerai la tête, Je te plumerai la tête, Et la tête, et la tête, Alouette, Alouette, Ooohhhh! Et cetera. But, I digress. I think all of the animals posted are pretty, except maybe the python. You've had quite a few adventures!

    1. Ha ha ha, this is the best comment I've ever seen. And I did sing along!

  7. "Window Shopping" is the next best thing to actually shopping. You had such a lovely day and excellent company!
    I was envious of your previous purchase of clay flue liners, and am again: eagerly waiting to see the implementation.
    Ha! $1,500 for "Cupcake"... I never understood the infatuation. I'd rather have a purring kitty in my lap any day of the week.

    1. How many kitties could we purchase for $1,500? hahaha, I agree with you. I haven't decided what I'm doing with those liners, I'll definitely share the outcome!

  8. The fern is an Aglaomorpha, perhaps A. coronans. I am thrilled to see one growing mounted like that as I have a large one to divide play with mounting. I absolutely LOVE the fancy funnels but agree $100 is too much to pay for something like that. It would be so fun though! I'm glad you grabbed the flue liners, score!

    1. Oh, thank you on the fern ID! The Gubi, maybe one of us will be lucky enough to find one not in perfect condition.

  9. What type of bird is that. He or she is kind of cute.

    1. I have no idea what bird that is, it looks like some type of sea bird?

    2. I think maybe a black-crowned night heron.

  10. The fern is Aglaomorpha cornucopia, and it's growing with Hoya imbricata! - Ivan

  11. Yes, Aloe aculeata.

    I haven't been to Urban Ore in forever, but that's where I got my chimney flue liners. Your post makes me want to go back. Maybe this weekend.

    1. Thank you Gerhard for the confirm! My car still smells "dusty" from the liners, but they were well worth the trip.

  12. Urban Ore looks like a fabulous place to spend too much time! The bird is a kind of heron, so I guess it's used to people to stay around. I love the clay flue liners. I used to work in an independent pet store with a reptile department. I didn't mind the snakes, but you had to watch out for some of the lizards. Actually, I was only bitten by a hamster. I've been bitten by a lot of hamsters throughout the years, not just at work!


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