Mini makeover

 I've got so many messy areas that have continued to grow over the summer. Today I will air my dirty laundry for all to see! It starts simply stashing tools, buckets, sticks, etc. and the area builds & builds. I have got to get my act together! Along with needing to tidy up garden "stuff", I have plenty of beds that could use a once over.  My plan is to attack the areas one at a time, so each mini makeover is doable in one or two days.  First up, this is a combination of a much needed bed rehab AND greenhouse spillout situation.  And why the overturned stock tank, it just serves as a junk table.  And is so hot I can't put plants on it.  Not in these temps!

Around the corner, even after a clean it's embarrassing.  Most of that is staying there honestly.  It's unseen and I use those greenhouse panels as a quick roof.  I can pop up a quick spot on the outside of the greenhouse- for potted agave or mammillaria that need their feet dry, but don't need frost protection. 

In an effort to show where this is, here I've walked out my back door and headed right towards the path that leads to the greenhouse area. 
This is probably boring, sorry.  And away we go, past the AC and hose spigot.
As you walk past the blue barrel cactus bed, there is a path to the right that cuts to the veg garden and gate that connects to the front garden.
continuing forward you hit 2 more messy areas that need revision.  Pumpkins to the right - penstemon to the left.  The catmint stays, Dr. consumes copious amounts of it.
and the end of the path stops here, I removed the orange tree.  Addded a heap of soil to connect to the bed on the left. *Those opuntia polyacantha I put by the fence have been too shaded and are so floppy dolly.  Maybe they will thrive and maybe they'll die?

need more rocks. I poached rocks and plants from myself.
I put in a small Yucca elata, soap tree.  At this point, none of these plants stand out - but a year can make a big difference.
Here is how lovely it will look all grown up, when I'm 115- lol.
Switching to the opposite side of the garden.  Getting the last 2 smoke trees and a Buddha's hand out.  *And finish staining that part of the fence.  My efforts to dig these out were futile.  Like cement.  *I was able to dig out the Buddha's hand, the root system wasn't elaborate.

so, I took to chopping the smoke trees with an ax.  I am likely The Slowest Lumberjack, but the most determined.  *That should probably be a children's book.

Ok for now, better things to come! I'll be going with a friend to Cabo San Lucas next week, it is actually cooler there than here.  We are still in triple digits for a bit.

Shirley is holding 2 of the fruit from Buddha's hand. The fragrance is amazing!
Stained our poor outdoor sun scorched table, need to do the chairs.  And shop vac-d the crevices in the concrete, I think it's easier than sweeping.  My shoulders are sore today.  
I had to throw this in, on a run the other morning - I saw this at a farm that no longer keeps horses.  Wouldn't that be fabulous to plant in? About 8' long.  Already had holes for drainage. Hmmm.
I have quite a few more disgusting places to revamp.  I'm always impressed seeing a lot of your gardens, that they look like perfection EVERYWHERE.  I'm working on my sloppy ways  ;)   Have a great week!


  1. Thanks for sharing the less tidy areas of your garden - I have similar spots (the stuff stored round the side of my shed is a major trip hazard!)

    1. Ha, yes - one spot I could live with, this chaos has spread too far!

  2. It's good to have the "before" pictures all ready for when you do get around to the projects. I bet those "perfect" gardens are actually carefully photographed to hide the trouble areas. Have you ever considered getting a small shed to stash the unsightly necessities of a garden?


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