That can't be right?

 I don't love waking up before the sun, however with the predicted temps this week I am grateful for the shorter daylight hours.  104° Tuesday, 105° on Wednesday, REALLY? Pretty much hovering on the dreaded 100 all week. Our tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera has started dropping leaves.  I'm doing a low level pick-up, they'll just keep coming.  

Messy, messy messy.
Thankfully, while we were celebrating a special birthday girl, the temps were perfection and the sunset lighting so lovely.  My pictures aren't doing it justice :(
The golden barrel was a glowing ball of fire.
I have 17 projects I'm ready to dig into, but realistically I'm not sure how much outdoor work I'll get done this week.  If it's truly going to be that warm, ugh.  I'm feeling positive tho, my dream for the back garden is to not "see" all the way across the cacti & succulents to the fence.  But require/entice a walk down the pathways to see everything.  Plenty of areas that need changing (always) but the growth I've seen this past year is promising.   

On a morning walk we saw this bizarre looking mushroom.  

Another week of heat, I may just throw a little tantrum, as our little house bunny recently did trying to get her top level apartment carpet"just so". 

and once the carpet was scrunched to her liking, promptly took a little nap in it.  *She gets to run loose, not locked up fyi.  She likes her double decker apartment and uses her bathroom (litter box) like a good girl.
Have a great week, please tell me what your weather is like this week?  I'll be dreaming of sweater weather!


  1. Yeah, my buddy in Oakland expects temps to reach 98F today. :(
    We're already in a warm morning here by the ocean. Welcome to the heatwave, I guess!

    1. Oof, I saw that. Oakland is usually so lucky with better temps being closer to the bay. I hope you get some nice ocean breezes this week!

  2. I love the early morning light you're getting but not your heat forecast! We were socked in again this morning but it burned off by 10am, which means we'll probably be warmer today but not nearly as toasty as your area. The odd fungi might be the one called "chicken in the woods" - I've had it on occasion too (but I wasn't at all inclined to eat it as some people do).

    Ms Bunny is cute as can be, despite her tantrum. I'm glad she generally behaves herself. My Meeko brought in both a bird and a rat (!!!), which managed to get into her catio last week. I was able to release both visitors still alive and kicking but the rat incident wasn't pretty or fun. My husband has reinforced the catio in the hope of avoiding such "gifts" in the future.

    1. Meeko! I'm not surprised to hear she's a good little hunter, with her sparky personality. *Ugh, I had to deal with a rat this week-Dr. left it in pieces for me to clean up. You are right on the fungi - that's what Sophia said it was as well. Hopefully you don't get too hot today!

  3. We’re in, oh I’d better convert, the low 70s during the day and it can dip down to 40 or lower on most nights. It can be pretty perfect if the woods and rains stay gone, and they are gone today.

    1. THAT is perfection! I do love this time of year, I'm looking forward to 80's next week :)


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