Happy Sunday!  Been puttering around with clean-up here & there.  I'm enjoying the way the sun hits the plants so much earlier in the day.  Although I do miss summer.

Some shots from yesterday, 70 degrees and lovely.

@ 2 pm, sun is so low.
Close-up of the tall blue fuzzy, pilocereus.
Mangave getting a nice sun shower.

Brunsvigia orientalis breaking through the crust.  
The goldens really bringing it this time of year.

Moved some of the potted Browningia hertlingiana to the greenhouse for overwintering, and a couple larger ones cozied up to the house.  They survived in protected spots last winter so hopefully will again.
And a funny before & after.  This is right after we moved in, back garden was just dirt zero.  We had added a pool and decking but I hadn't done much other than plunk in things in a frenzy to "fill it in".  If only I had patience.   This shows our adopted "camo cat"  earning her keep.  Chased a furry rat up a tree (this is a little planting bed outside the kitchen window).
and now
It feels so much bigger with more plants.  Often a bully hummingbird sits on the Aloe Hercules to guard the feeder.

Happy weekend, am off to Berkeley to have a nice day with Sophia & Ivan and PICK UP THOSE PLANTS!  :). 

Anything fun planned for today?


  1. Your back garden looks to be filling in nicely! I love the fall color provided by the tree in the second shot, something we get very little of down my way. Love the "Camo cat" too - all my cat has ever caught are lizards. (Thankfully, she no longer eats them as that wasn't pretty.) Enjoy you trip to Berkeley!

    1. Thank you! Berkeley was full of color compared to Livermore, but those trees are lovely lining the walkway this time of year.

  2. Very nice. Your combinations and arrangements are so appealing and professional. I miss summer, too, and even early autumn here in my Midwest climate. ;-) I hope the winter won't be too difficult this year. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden!

    1. Wow, thank you that's so nice. It's very much a work in progress, much like myself. hahaha. Here is hoping for a nice mild winter for us both!


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