Smoke 'em if you got 'em... and a "fluffy top" appreciation post.  

End of Spring clean-up is in full force around here, just a short post featuring some little fluffy headed wonders I saw this morning.

I'm such a big fan of all speedwell.
A flower in a flower, I wish these lasted longer than a couple days.  I gasped when I saw this was open from way across the backyard.
Reminds me of Bert, from Sesame Street.  A tall blue pilocereus that barely weathered the storms.
I have several stands of Cleistocactus strausii.  They are super fluff right now.  My dream is to see the stands tall and prominent, repeating throughout the garden.  I find the blooms a little weird, but most good things are a little weird.  They are good growers, in the sunniest spots, about 10-14" a year.
This cephalocereus senilis x leuchocephalus from Poots Cactus Nursery has only added to his foofy wig since he's living here in Livermore.  My wig seems to get floofier as I get older too.  Also, seems to be a good moderately fast grower.
More speedwell.
Kalanchoe Tomentosa
If I were a bee, this is where I'd be.

Red buckwheat

Strawflower buds
I suppose the Echeveria devotion is more velvety than fluffy.  I love this plant, it looks fabulous year round, almost not real right now.
Second bloom this year for Sulcorebutia bicolor!  
And the fluffiest top of them all 😊


  1. That orange cactus bloom and its pot couldn't be more perfect! I laughed out loud when I saw Bert, the Pilocereus. I don't know why I don't have any red buckwheat - in fact I was sure I'd planted some but, if so, I don't know where it went. And of course, Dr Feelgood can't be upstaged ;)

  2. How much water do the speedwells and strawflower need? I almost bought a red strawflower the other day but remembered killing it before.

    1. The strawflower I've grown from seed were incredibly hardy and didn't need much at all. The one pictured above is dead from the heat-I was gone and it didn't get watered during the 100 days. So I'll just throw seed packets around next time. I've had great luck with speedwell, full blasting sun and just a random squirt of water now & again. They really take the heat well. When I chop them back mid-July I do give them a good drink.


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