After a super dry January, we're are finally getting some rain.  Followed by a few cccccold mornings.  The kiss of death for one plant or another I'm sure.  Wet ground, dappling with close to freezing isn't good for my garden.  When we do hit 32° or a few degrees below, it's usually from 4am-6am - so a few hours at most.  *Knock on wood! *From inside the guest bedroom, Sophia's old bedroom. 

I've clipped a couple poly panels up to keep some rain off the mammillaria and a group of Pilocereus.  They hate wet, maybe as much as Dr. Feelgood.

Pensive and a little ticked about the rain. You'd never make it in Oregon buddy.  *I can't wait for that carpet to be outta here!
As I'm stuck inside cleaning out closets and under beds, I keep looking outside. Cleaning is not nearly as much fun as being outside :(.  It occurred to me I could post from upstairs and show a broader view.  I maximized the photo so everything looks shrunken. This view is the side of our house. The little part of the "L".  Greenhouse/veg garden area. Raised beds have shallots/walla walla sweet onions & peas in the other. Covered to keep raccoons out. Between the raised beds and the fence; (the mulched area) avocado, lemon, lime, bananas, loquat, and a dwarf apple tree.
A little to the left.
Zooming out a little further.  The fire lane on the outside of our fence is a walk through only lane, no traffic.  I do catch people peeking in through holes in the fence. I would totally do that, so doesn't bother me.

I think this is maximum Zoom, haha. You can kinda see the d.g. pathways, not as well as I hoped. The pathway nearest the fence/firelane has been covered by reflection.
Little more to the left. This is distorted, lol - A. Hercules looks very stumpy but must be at least 10' tall, I haven't measured.
Last one of the back, pool area.  This picture is like a shrinky dink! *I should've take this from an upstairs bedroom, but O is sleeping. The wind brought down that big palm branch.  I need to go dangle on it and see if it easily detaches.
The very boring soggy front garden (from front room).
Other boring soggy front garden (from the dining room).
I shouldn't be so crabby about the rain, we're in a deficit.  As Jeff Ranieri, NBC Bay Area Meteorologist explained last night. Santa Rosa and Napa area have been hammered!  It's really the cold that follows that brings feelings of doom.  I'll toss around some frost covers this afternoon and hope for the best!  
 Then I'm thinking a good time to pack up the bar cart would be...  hmmm 4:30 pm?  
What is your current weather like?  


  1. We get even more of an idea aof the number of plants from these views.

    1. Thank you Anvil, it's hard to take pics with screens on most of the windows.

  2. I love looking at your garden from the birds eye view. FUN!
    Today we are having 40 mph wind making it CrAzY to do anything outside. Saturday we are to have a snow storm... 8 inches of snow.
    On Wisconsin! ;-)

    1. Thank you Carla, 40 mph! Dang that's serious, I much prefer your upcoming 8" of snow to that kind of wind! I bet it will be beautiful.

  3. I love the overhead views! Our house is one story so I can't get that without a drone or going up on the roof, which I haven't much interest in doing, especially with a bum knee. My husband probably would do it if I asked but he gets vertigo so I discourage rooftop jaunts. However, I've taken shots from inside the house a time or 2 - a different perspective is always interesting.

    1. The screens were a challenge. I'm glad you're both staying off the roof, that's just asking for trouble!

  4. This is almost like a drone coverage of the garden; love seeing the complete layout. I don't think your front garden is boring at all, it's just winter.
    Here in Seattle, we woke up to snow the last couple of days. It melts by midday but I dislike it intensely. My Hellebores don't mind in the least and for that I'm grateful.
    Your baby Feelgood is going to miss the carpet, I'm sure.

    1. You're right, it's just winter. Hellebores are such tough, but gentle looking plants.

  5. Sorry you got stuck indoors. We've been drizzly for two days. Which I like as we do need the moisture.

    How close are you to Windsor? I just realized that that town might be near your way. Or nearish.

    1. We do, I'm trying to have a good attitude :). I had to look up Windsor - it is roughly 100 miles to the N of us.

  6. I'm worried about rot, too. So much rain in such a short period, and cold nights, as you said.

    1. Ugh, I know - I was wrong, it was actually warm last night. Today is clear, so tonight will be the drop.

  7. Those photos make your garden look ginormous! Cool to cold here, with a little rain/non sticking snow...

    1. I'm so happy Portland hasn't repeated that arctic blast of 2024! The pictures are a little weird. My husband has drone footage of the garden from approx. 4-5 years ag. I really need to have him pull that out and do another video. It would be a nice comparison.

  8. Cute kitty! I love the views looking out--both at the same level and above. Your garden is amazing! Nice pool, and nifty black tiles in the front garden.

    1. Thank you Beth, I'm so looking forward to spring.

  9. No rain here, but frequent small snowfalls the past couple of weeks. The biggest was this past weekend when it totaled about 5 inches. Another snowfall is forecast by the end of this week.

  10. I enjoyed the aerial view from upstairs. It really shows the number of succulents and cacti you have in your garden and it is amazing! While you are getting rain, we have been getting snow here in the northeast!

    1. Forgot to sign in…It’s Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening!

    2. I miss snow, it's so beautiful and quiet. Sunny here, but another storm on the way Thursday.

  11. I can only imagine living in a place where it might get down to freezing for a few hours in the early morning! But on the other hand, I can also not imagine living in a place where you have to be so attuned to the rainfall. I hope all turns out well for your plants!

  12. I love your succulent and cacti garden. Colecting succulents is one of my passions

    1. Hi tz, the above comment is from me ... pigletinportugal. Sorry blogger would not let me post using my website login


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