Debris, Bao and 3 Kalanchoes.

👎 to 100°s this week. Gross.  Humidity is 12%, . I AM grateful the nights cool down, which makes the mornings comfortable.  My oldest daughter Sophia and her partner Ivan spent Labor Day weekend with us, and Ivan is always up for some labor! He started his attack in this back dark corner by pruning the 3 Cotinus -purple smokebush.  I like the color, but dang that smell is overwhelming when you cut them.  

And then as he kept offering to "clean this or that up", an old rose bush was removed along with some agaves (I don't remember planting them there, but there they were!), dead palm leaves & nuts, the stout Yucca and one of the trio of smokebush.  What took him 2 hours would've taken me a full day if not 2! THANKS IVAN!

Sophia and I were inside making homemade Bao for dinner, at least we fed him.
My goodness, they were delicious!  I had not made them before, the hoison eggplant were my favorite.
I did some clean-up myself, after his feats of strength!  And talk and dreams of what could happen in this area followed.  
One thing is for sure, the view is really nice and offers an almost full see of the back garden (I couldn't get a proper photo to really show that?). Our lot is L shaped, very looooong.  Someone at the Fling asked me the size of my lot, and embarrassingly I couldn't recall. It is approx. 12,500 sq ft., more land in the back than front.  Anyway, who knows if the dream will pan out, but at least I need a hammock up here or something!

I moved Kalanchoe beharensis 'Fang' into a pot in the "Princess area".  I lost the other 2 over the winter, they were next to the AC unit and fully exposed to rain/cold.  I really love the fangs, and wanted to give this a better chance to make it through the winter.
Barely needs any water, and the backside of the leaves just continue to get more ferocious as they age.
The other 2 Kalanchoe are pretty in their own right, I love the thick velvet leaves.

I don't think I've posted this plant before, Phymaspermum acerosum.  It has charmed me with it's SO Silver foliage.  Most photos I'd seen highlight a Yarrow looking yellow bloom.  But I'm all in for this color!
Smallish shrub 2-3 feet.  Drought tolerant, but definitely demanded water when first planted.  It pouted a bit at first.  Then responded well to 2-3 drinks per week. Now it's on a once a week sprinkle.
That's about all from my corner this week.  I doubt I'll be outside much this afternoon, over the heat!
Anyone REALLY into Halloween?  I don't decorate much, but it is a good excuse for some fun size candy.  


  1. Wow. It is wonderful having people like Ivan around! That sure is some heat!

    1. He is a fabulous help, for strength and all the fantastic plants he brings over!

  2. It's so wonderful to have an enthusiastic helper! You did well with your spruce up activities too. I spent a few days cleaning up areas that weren't even on my to-do list in advance of the heatwave but it's settling in now and I don't even have all the bagged mulch spread yet...

    1. I've got so much to do in the front, I feel you! And still more in the back, it's just a messy time of year.

  3. I never knew smokebush had a smell. So wonderful to get some help. I think that dinner looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, it really was good. The buns weren't difficult at all, more time spent chopping up everything. The help was great!

  4. Everyone needs an Ivan in their lives ! You know I've never noticed any sort of aroma when cutting back my allegedly dwarf Cotinus. I wonder if my hybrid lost the fragrance or if it's one of those individual no chemistry things ? We hit 104 here in Napa yesterday, but today things have improved and will continue to do so. Hopefully the last triple digit day, but not holding my breath.

    1. Maybe your dwarf doesn't have a scent? These smells strong, almost like pine when you start. Then it continues and is overwhelming. Also the sap is messy, I guess that's typical of the Euphorbia family. 104! Ah, hang in there! We've got to be close, and Fall is so nice.

  5. How wonderful to have Ivan help out. If you got him a little gift as a thank you, I bet he would tell you it was nothing at all. We're getting heat for the next couple days as well. Ugh. Not enjoying this at all.

    1. He's really great, the best part - he loves being in the garden!

  6. That boy is definitely not Ivan the Terrible.

    And that pool/pond looks gorgeous.

    1. Ha! Definitely not, and thank you! 102 today, I'll need to jump in.

  7. Does Ivan make garden help appearances in New York State? He could enjoy our low 70's at 2pm temperatures and we'd keep him busy. I had to look up Fang kalanchoe and was relieved to find those "fangs" aren't sharp. They re interesting looking plants. It would have to be a houseplant here, of course.

    1. I have no doubt Ivan will be involved in the plant world one way or the other, he's quite knowledgeable as well - far far more than I am. Yes, ha the leaves are soft and velvety.

  8. Thanks for the visit and comment on my recent post and YES the seafood was good, even if it had been fried. Your heat sounds oppressive 🥵 for sure, but that pool is sure inviting. And, you do have to feed the help and your food looked so good 😋

    1. That seafood looked great, and I think we get to enjoy fried foods now and again! Thank you, the bao was delicious!

  9. Yum: The food looks delicious! And Ivan is a winner! Beautiful succulents, too. We are having perfect weather lately--70s and 80s. We'll have a couple of days of 60s, and then back to the 80s for at least a week. Yay. Hang in there!

    1. Oh Beth, that sounds like perfection! You are right, I think today is the last triple digit - *knocks on wood.

  10. No substitute for young brawn :-D
    It's nice to see that area cleared up and a hammock would be just the thing for that shady corner.
    I noticed the intense fragrance emitted from my purple smock bush when I cut a branch for an arrangement. I find it citrusy and quite pleasant, although it is very intense: probably overwhelming during a major pruning job.
    Phymaspermum acerosum is a beauty: it looks like an aquatic plant!

    1. Young brawn ! You are so right. I like the smell, in small quick doses. It does look aquatic, I hadn't thought of that.

  11. Ivan The Great. :)

    Impressive cooking, too.

    Cotinus smells? Did not know that. Love the silvery Phymaspermum acerosum--love silvery! A garden-buddy always teases me about silver plants. When we go prowl a garden center and she sees a silver plant she says, "Aren't you going to buy it?" I usually get to respond, "Already have it!"

    1. Ivan is getting a lot of love in the comments :). You should do an ode to silver on your blog - or maybe you have? I would really love to see them.

  12. Those bao buns looked delicious. I didn't know Cotinus had an unpleasant fragrance when cut either!

    1. Thank you, I'd like one right now! The Cotinus is more like a somewhat pleasant fragrance that turns cloying after 10 minutes.

  13. Interesting plants! The pool is beautiful.

  14. Interesting to see the garden from a new angle. I've tried those fuzzy and fanged kalanchoe before, but they always end up slowly declining. I suspect they don't like the humidity. I've not heard of Phymaspermum before. Is the foliage soft or stiff and succulent? It reminds me of a more refined Artemisia.

    1. I think you're right they like being dehydrated. Phymaspermum is stiff but not prickly, and yes he enjoys a pico sour and a fancy cigar from time to time!

  15. I want an Ivan, too!! So awesome to have help, esp. with projects you've put off.

    The heat should be getting better any day now. Any day now. Any day now.

    1. You do have a Kyle! Ugh, I thought we were getting some cooler weather on the weekend, nope. The upcoming week looks promising.

  16. A welcome family visit and help in the garden - now, that's a winning combination. Beautiful pool and garden. You have an amazing landscape to work in.

    1. It's always the best to have family around, and I am very grateful for the help. Thanks Judy!


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