Hotted up

 I believe Wednesday, 110° was our hottest this week.  Honestly, when it's triple digits I can't tell the difference between a few degrees.  The excessive heat warning keeps extending.  Mon/Tue are supposed to cool down to 92°.  Then back up again for a couple days.  So, basically I'm explaining that it's July.  😀Dahlia, Cafe au Lait. 

I'll share a few pretty things, so far the umbrellas and shade cloth have helped but I worry as this goes on & on it will take some plants down.  Here is an ornamental oregano Amethyst Falls, next to my walk to the front door.  I had 3 of a different oregano Kent Beauty here prior - I think I prefer Kent Beauty.  I like the way the "shells" got huge as the summer went on.  These seem tiny in comparison, but still a pretty oregano. 
The drumstick dahlias add so much to the front, I'd be happy with a few more. They have a good amount of blooms and stand up so nice & straight!
Sedum Autumn Joy is completely confused on the time of year and is in full flower, she's over this weather and thinks it must be late August.
I'm a big fan of Speedwell, most of them holding up well.  And if not, a full chop and they'll come back to life in a few weeks.
Clematis, I think Rooguchi.
The crinums are really throwing out their blooms, the white ones anyway.  The other colors are always a couple weeks later.
Good news, the monstera Ivan put outside for me has pushed out it's 2nd leaf and is thriving!
Leuzea conifera, I wasn't sure this made it through the winter - but it pushed out several of it's paper cone blooms.  These feel and crinkle like paper, really cool plant.  Fun to squish.
Banksia, lost the tag - but it is happy and sending out a pretty cone.

Hang in there, I'm out to give everything a drink of water.  Have a great weekend!


  1. For 110F I'd say your garden is doing remarkably well, Tracy. The one year we hit 113F, I felt like I was living inside a hair dryer set on high. My plants didn't fare especially well. Your dahlias are well ahead of mine. I love your Veronica too - I've only had success with one groundcover variety but I haven't even seen a sign of that yet this year. The Leuzea is interesting - I haven't ever seen it before.

    We hovered just below 90F yesterday and expected a slight cooling today but we've been surprised by being completely socked in this morning. It's past 10:30am and the marine layer is still thick and its 66F!

    1. 66F! I'd have to put a sweater on, I can't imagine that right now. Thank you, I do have a few casualties I fear.

  2. I made a vow not to buy any more Dahlias after a few poor years with them. However, after seeing seeing Cafe au Lait I feel my resolve weekening!

    1. well, then let me say the Cafe au Lait is the most finicky dahlia I've ever grown. The other ones have been very carefree.

  3. I hope you're staying cool. It looks like your garden is doing remarkably well in that heat.

    1. Thank you Liz, inside more than I like. Have a good weekend!

  4. We are in the middle of a 5-day heat wave but so far, just shy of 100. I see a pool? That would be nice!

    1. from Phillip

    2. I've jumped in there so many times, truly saved me !

  5. WOW... that is hot.
    I did not plant any dahlia this season. I am sorta regretting it... but the earwigs love them. I thought if I took a break from growing them, the earwigs will not find them so yummy when I bring them back to the garden in a few years.
    Ha ha! We shall see.

    1. Ugh! Yes we get earwigs in them - I put down lots of sluggo Plus this year and it really helped. Definitely lowered the amount.

  6. I love that Leuzea conifera, and tried it in my garden (it's very cold hardy) but it quickly died. I think I was a fool and planted it when it was still too hot in late summer. You've convinced me to try again... if I ever see it available.

    1. I thought I killed this one, it surprised me and pulled through. I adore those cones!

  7. Love Cafe au Lait! Your plants look very happy in spite of the heat! I can't imagine extended days in the 100s. 90s and high humidity are tough enough. Lately, we're having perfect weather, though (in my opinion): low 80s for highs and 60s for lows at night. Come visit us in S. Wisconsin. ;-)

    1. Ha! I would love to, that sounds perfect! We are wilting and sagging as the heat goes on & ON.

  8. They certainly seem to be in good shape. I hope you and they do get some relief.

    1. Thank you Anvil, I think the extended days are taking a toll on some poor things.

  9. I've tried that Leuzia conifera a couple times from seed. So far, no luck. It is so nice to see it thriving in your garden though. Makes me more determined to try again. Too much heat! Hope it cools off for you. Looking forward to meeting you at The Fling!

    1. Thank you Jerry, yes I am SO looking forward to it!

  10. When you were in triple digits, we were in the high 60s, mid 70s, if I recall correctly. :/
    It's a lovely 63F out by Ocean Beach right now and I really cannot complain.
    The Dahlia snap is lovely.

    1. 60's & 70's sounds wonderful, I'd actually need a sweater!

  11. Look at all those beautiful flowers!
    I guess I should be grateful we're not that how, we actually aren't even as hot as we have been the last couple of years, but I can't wait until fall.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
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  12. Banksia so cool! B. prionotes? The Leuzia is strange and wonderful, the Crinums just wonderful. How you manage 113F is the pool? Brilliant! Jump in, cool off, jump out, garden, jump in, cool off...

    1. Oh and agree, 'Cafe au Lait' is finicky here too.

  13. Tracy, your Cafe au Lait is lovely. I agree it's a finicky dahlia but there's something wonderful about its color and form. I've never seen such lovely veronica. Doesn't do well for me. We're having horrible heat too but yesterday got 3 inches of rain, gives me hope.


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