We're in for it.

Tuesday & Wednesday predicted to be triple digits.  Not my favorite!  I've got some shade cloth up, but need to go around today in the just about perfect 75 degree weather and do some more creative shading. First daylily opened.

Does anyone keep bees, I'd love to hear from you? 

My studly Lophocereus schottii monstrosus has a little bud? that gets a bit larger every day, I didn't expect it to bloom so this is fun to watch.
A bit of a weird and wonderful thing, haha.
The first sunflowers have opened, this dark one so high I had to reach up as high as I could to snap the picture.
This one, more my height and a bit more cheerful.
And Ivan pointed out, my Platycerium superbum is throwing out an apron!  I go check on this every morning to see how far it's pushing out the new growth.
So exciting!  
Well, I need to prepare to wilt over the next few days.  Is the ridiculous heat hitting your area?


  1. Sunflowers already!!! The cactus flower-in-waiting is interesting. I hope the temperatures don't soar as high as expected in your area. Are you affected by the smoke of the wildfires in Northern California at all? Although the TV weather forecasters are predicting temperatures in the 90s for our valley areas, Weather Underground is still showing a persistent marine layer here along the SoCal coast but my fingers are still crossed that holds.

    1. It seems unbelievable given the temps today that we would get to 100 tomorrow, but it's happened before lol. We are so close to the fire but you would never know it, I haven't smelled any smoke whatsoever. I just checked the PurpleAir meter and we are at ZERO AQI. So clear as can be. I'm hoping that marine layer stays on like a light blanket and you're spared the super high temps!

  2. It looks like much of your garden will enjoy the hot temps. Those sunflowers sure like to climb high, don't they?

    1. You are right, I just worry about newer plants not being able to deal with it. Love the tall sunflowers!

  3. I don't envy you out there. We're going to hopefully, stay in the 70s here in the City.

  4. Many nice flowers. The sunflowers are awesome. I feel like I bought seeds this year but I need to hunt for them.

    1. I need to organize my seeds, they are willy nilly in a container. Thank you Susie!

  5. They can't decide if we're getting heat or not. There were forecasts near 100 for later in the week, now they've backed off--we shall see. It's very exciting that your Lophocereus schottii monstrosus is going to bloom!

    1. Oh good, I'm glad to hear it's not going to as hot as they predicted. That was sounding like a harsh transition!

  6. I searched Lophocereus schottii monstrosus flowers online but couldn't find any examples... peculiar. I'm very curious to see what you studly specimen developed.
    Your staghorn fern is indeed superb: it looks absolutely fabulous.
    Seattle's temps may reach mid seventies this weekend. Should be safe to finally plant a few sunflower seeds :-D

    1. It is either a bloom or a new arm? I'm leaning towards bloom, but we'll see. Mid seventies sounds absolutely heavenly!

  7. UGH is the only thing I can say about the heat. Thank goodness it's a short-lived heat wave, supposedly. I've never seen a totem pole cactus flower! That's quite a rare thing!

    1. Ugh is right, it is unpleasant and only noon. I'm happy it is just the 2 days (hopefully). I wondering if that could be a new arm and not a bud?

  8. i read about the heat in not only your state, but several others and it sounds quite unbearable as far as doing anything outdoors. Your plants seem to be holding up well, which is probably why you have succulents.

    Thanks for your comment on my post today regarding the dryer balls and, so far, I haven't had any issues with static. Most of our clothing is cotton wear so not sure if that helps. We don't wear nylon or polyester type garments.

    1. I wish they worked for me, I want them to! I think it is just too dry here, I tried them on cotton towels and it was incredible how much static there was. Today is a little cooler, thankfully!

  9. I was talking with a fellow MG this week who kept bees for years. Her bees up and left two years ago, so I asked if she was getting more. She said she had been doing a lot of reading and felt she wanted to promote native bees. Interesting.

    1. Interesting, I need to research and make sure I have adequate room for them. I'm just happy I have plenty visiting.

  10. Your day lily is stunning! And the sunflowers look so cheerful. I hope your garden did all right in the heat and that the triple digits didn't last too long.

    1. Thank you Barbara. It was just a couple days so it looks like with the added shade cloths here & there we came through ok. A nice 80° today :)

  11. I start wilting at about 80F, so triple digits are a big no for me. I end up darting from shadow to shadow trying to get done what I can in the shade. That Lophocereus is magnificent.


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