Monday morning you sure look fine.

 I'd been planning to share the front perennial garden, so here we go.  We got a rare May rain on Saturday 1/2"! It was the talk of the town, quite surprising and unfortunately awful wind with it. My flowers were sagging to the ground.  90 degrees is predicted by Friday, so I'm grateful for the rain.  We likely won't see any precipitation again until October. My favorite view right now, from the sidewalk up the main walk to the front door. The salvia discolor barely shows in the picture, but in person it's lovely with it's black flowers.  


From the street, I need to work on this angle - hard for me.  *Dr Feelgood is walking down one of the paths.
A view from the other side looking toward the street.

Headed to the front door, and we will veer to the right. The front is shaped unevenly, with the bulk of the front garden on the right and very deep.
A turn around and look back shot.  That white delphinium has been blooming for weeks now, I'm completely in love with it.
Red and purple together is not the best planning, lol.  Allium is always welcome anywhere.

Hummingbird magnet, the lobelia is blooming above some verbena and next to blue salvia.

Behind the seating area, the Hakonechloa macra (I think 'All Gold') is fresh and limey against the black couch.
Delphinium 'Cobalt Blue' is always a favorite of mine. 
This is a lot of color for some, but I adore perennial flowers and have just gone with it here.  I know this isn't for everyone.  Looking down towards the street. 

Gazania Otomi starts off bold and fades beautifully.
'Brass Band' in the sun -aptly named, haha!

And some green to clean the palate.

I love how the shield frond is hugging onto the house.
Happy bees.
The rain stopped the fence staining process for the weekend.  I wanted to make sure the wood dried completely.  Back at it today, I'm hoping to finish this week.  What is your weather like, are you getting any sunshine?  We're definitely in sunscreen every day territory.


  1. Your front garden sings exuberantly of spring, Tracy. I happen to love color so it's right up my alley. We share some of the same plants, although I've almost given up on roses. I wasn't lucky with Hakonechloa macra but maybe I should try it again - yours is lush!

    1. Thanks Kris, I'm with you on the color. The Hakonechloa macra is in a partial sun, and really holds its own - especially with our heat.

  2. So nice to see so much color this morning! And 90º sounds appealing. But that's only because it has so been cold and windy here for days. I actually hate heat.

    1. Ha, agree. I enjoy the warm, but there is always an adjustment when it gets closer to 100°.

  3. Just lovely! I love the gazania. You're a few weeks ahead of me with some of your flowers. I noticed that when I moved from Concord to Oregon, just a tiny bit later, a tiny bit hotter, and a tiny bit colder. We too are expecting hot (near 90) weather Friday and the weekend. I just had to unpack sweaters yesterday and turn on the heat this morning!

    1. I like the gazania as well, it really deals with the hot. Woah, you are going from cold rain right to HOT. You observations sound right on in your move, Oregon is beautiful!

  4. Well that's very florific! I'm jealous of your Salvia discolor as that's a plant I would love to be able to grow. Your staghorn and the shield frond are perfection. After 1.75" of rain in 55F cold we too are headed to 90F on Friday. It's gonna be shocking!

    1. The Salvia discolor is one of my favorite, even if it sometimes flops and the blooms feel very sticky. I need another one. I always follow Portland weather, through friends & family. That increase from 55° to 90 is insane!

  5. Sigh... you have such a beautiful garden, Tracy! Eliza

  6. Red and purple are wonderful to my eyes. Not planned? Happy accident then. I'd change nothing in your exuberant front garden.
    Gazania Otomi: Wow. If I see it in the nursery, I'd be sure to buy it and 'cloche' it immediately. (bunny snack).
    Last photo, 'Happy Bees': is the flower yellow outside and white inside? Very cool.
    I'm jaded towards Dr Feelgood, "walking down one of the paths", showing his happiness with tale up! Lovely kitty.

    1. Oh, thank you so much Chavli! Yes, it is osteospermum (white & yellow) and is such a pretty one. I'm quite partial towards Dr. Feelgood, I think he loves being outside as much as I do.

    2. oops meant to say Osteospermum 'Voltage White'

    3. And of course, it is TAIL up, (not tale.... ) - Chavli

  7. Lovely gardens, amazing in fact. I would imagine it is quite a challenge to keep everything watered even with some type of sprinkler system.

    1. I have drip so it's not too bad, and the front gets some shade from the house & trees. Thank you!

  8. What a riot of color! Your flowering plants look super happy - as am I, after complaining about how cold it was on Saturday :-)

    1. Saturday was CRAZY, I don't remember a May rain like that since we've moved here.


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