Around the Neighborhood.  I thought I'd snap some photos near our house - while I was out either running or walking - since you certainly don't need to be bored to tears seeing piles of weeds or grass that I've pulled.  I will focus on yards that have zero grass.  Just because I find them more interesting.    I love going by this house, now I realize I should've zoomed in a bit.  They are higher up on a street, and the front yard gets blasted with sun, from rise to set!   

Below, this was redone about 4 years ago - removed all the grass.  I like that they mounded dirt up so the yard is not flat like it was.  

Right by the firelane, I believe that is Pachycereus pringlei, cardon cactus -because of the "wiggly" shape and not a saguaro.  *However, the people who purchased this house in the past few years said they are not allowed to cut the cactus down.  No idea about that, the house was built 1916.
Just for fun, here is Deacon Dave's - this is down the fire lane, and about a block & 1/2 away.  They do an enormous Christmas display every year.  The line goes down the street and around the corner.  We usually just look from across the street and don't bother to walk through it. They start putting this together late August, early September.  This picture shows the beginning of putting it all away, below is from Christmas eve when we walked down to see it. Over 785,000 lights!]
Colorful prickly pear & aloe flower.
The below really doesn't do this justice, for most of the year this yard is fully in flower and very pretty.
Ha, I had to include the purple house.  They painted this about 6 months ago, and removed their grass and adopted a drought tolerant garden.  I don't know about each chair being a different color, but I applaud them doing something bold.  This street faces a vineyard, so all the homes have a very nice view.  Park behind them, vineyard in front, not too shabby!
Pepper trees lining the path to Arroyo Mocho trail, by the vineyard (I believe this vineyard is owned by Concannon Vineyard).
The Arroyo creek runs by the trail.  When we were in terrible drought, this was dry.  We've been lucky to see many birds of prey, quail, bobcats, egrets, heron and of course ducks while walking through.
And this girl was walking her cat, hahaha.  He let out a loud meow, I don't think he liked being in that backpack!

I like how this house in the corner has a prickly pear barricade on the outer side of their fence.  Honestly, I don't know if they planted it.  It showed signs of a recent trim/top off.
There were quite a lot of birds popping in, I'm assuming for the fruit.
And we are getting a little rain this afternoon, very light.  Dr. Feelgood is fixing a nap.

I am very much yearning for Spring.  And longer daylight hours!   What are you most looking forward to, garden or otherwise?


  1. 785k ights! I wonder what their electric bill was?! I'd love to have a vineyard and nicely paved trails nearby. There are some trails in the surrounding area here but most of them are dicey to walk. Is that a cat I see in the clear backpack?

    1. That was my first thought, the electricity! He does get donations while the display is up, and I believe they cover the cost of his electric bill. Yes, that is a cat - haha.

  2. Dr. Feelgood sure is a cutie! Gosh, I wish I was there--everything looks so warm and lush. Meanwhile, we're launching into our deepest winter weather so far. I hope this next week will be the worst of it for this year. I don't mind a little winter, but I really don't like the super cold, super snowy stuff. Thanks for sharing your warm photos. :)

    1. Most of these pictures were taken on a beautiful sunny day. But we have gotten cold (for us) it was 32 this morning. I hope you get some sun and it's not horribly cold & snowy.

  3. That was nice! I look the coming of spring and seeing all the fresh new growth.

    1. Thank you Phillip, your trail walk inspired me to do the same!

  4. Those are fun! I love neighborhood tourism--adopting the attitude of a curious tourist in a place never before visited. It's so interesting to see what neighbors do or don't do to their yards. Love the lavender house. The 700,000+ light house---well....

    What I'm hoping to see soon is some RAIN!

    1. Thank you, I ripped the idea off from Phillip's trail blog post. I hope you get some rain, we're going to get a tail of Oregon's storm on Saturday. I'll try to send it down south!

  5. I'm looking forward to this time next week when this epic cold (perhaps with both ice and snow) is over. Fingers crossed I still have a garden left.

    1. Oh dang, it is going to get cold there. My mom was just saying how dark & cold it has been (my parents live in Portland). She's worried about the power going out because of construction around their area. I hope the snow blankets your plants for protection before the icy cold hits.

  6. I am looking forward to spring, myself.
    What an amazing place!


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