The weather here has been fabulous, hovering around 70°. I've kept busy- unloading the greenhouse, removing couch & table covers. Generally being bossy round the garden (to myself! ha). I got this area cleaned - this is outside the kitchen window. Patio/dining area directly outside our back door. It is a nice warm spot, so I had all kinds of pots piled up here. I needed to tidy everything so I could get to the mangave that bloomed, and the pups started blooming because I waited too long. *I have a cold, forgive me for sloppy errors today. And I dug right in! I moved a few mangave pups to the hellstrip out front. I had no ideas on what to do next. I thought about moving the agave attenuata to the slope - I could use this sweet spot area for zone 10 plants that wouldn't survive elsewhere in the garden. But I like the softness of them here. Well, the crassula undulatifolia sure doesn't need to be ...