Wait, what?

I was strolling through the garden last evening, at the end of a hot day. Checking to see how everything fared.  Whaaaa, what's weird about that aloe? I *think this is Aloe Africana, probably a hybrid.  I purchased from the Dry Garden in Berkeley - no tag.  Please weigh in if you have thoughts on ID.

I realize I shouldn't have been so stunned, Aloe's do bloom in September.  However, I always feel like mine are late to the party, everyone has been enjoying their blooms all winter -a huge plus when not much is blooming- and then mine show up when it's all over. This will be fun to watch!
In other news, I've been doing the boring rituals.  Removing the tomato plants, cantaloupe vines.  I grew the worlds tiniest cantaloupes this year.  Not even enough to keep Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca happy!  I won't bother again, they need copious amounts of water -although the 4 bites were juicy and sweet.  Not worth it.  

Random shots: Xanthorrhoea preissii, I put a couple of these in 2023.  They are slow growers, reportedly 1-2 cm per year.  I've been pushing a little water on mine in the hotter months and they've def put on more growth than that.  🤞 continues.  
And xanthorrhoea quadrangulata, Mt. Lofty grass tree.  I present LORD LOFTY. He is growing much faster than his "back-up" in exact conditions about 5 feet away.
In response to my "monsoon" experiment a few days ago, I have this !@#$ing spotted spurge everywhere.
Annoying.  And a reminder I need to put Preen down on all the pathways before we get rain, I have plenty of time.  
I am slowly starting to prep for the weather changes to come, put together shelving for the greenhouse.  This smaller shelf next to the house for things that need to stay dry & a little warmer.
A. melanacantha is showing pretty color from the stress of summer. 
NoID, a stout little Aloe.
A check-in the greenhouse, Dr likes to use this as his sauna.  *I didn't see him there until after the photo.
I can't show the front garden right now, it's a jungle of scorch.  A nice evening shot of "starting to open up her leaves" A. Helenae, always pups - never flowers.  
I know everyone is enjoying their cool downs, today we're still near 100°.  However, with the shorter days and cool nights I can't complain, I love this time of year.  I'll be sharing a fun project soon, it involves that area that Ivan cleared out on the slope.  Hint, I've been pouring over Kris's Late to the Garden Party posts on her lath house. *Hers is beautiful, and intricate & way more angles than I'm capable of. 
Any fun projects or travel planned? 
Do you hand out Halloween candy & do you have a favorite?   Tracy- gimme chocolate
September birthdays? 


  1. Such specimens you have. I am knowledgeable about none of this, and don't have much to say, but I am always impressed.


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