` Happy 2024!  I am back from visiting family in Portland, OR.  We had a lovely time seeing everyone and appreciated the milder weather in Portland this year -compared to the ice & snow during the holidays last year.  We enjoyed a walk through Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden.  We lived near there when the kids were little and went often.  Sigh, the way moss and lichen grow on everything in Portland is just lovely.

Sophia taking pictures :)

A pretty place, even when not in bloom.  Over Christmas I had placed a bid on ebay for an Aloe Hercules variegata.  I bid lower than the listed price and expected "Offer not accepted". To my surprise,  it was accepted!  From AZ, and grown outside - should tolerate the sun here fine then.    It does show variegation, about 18" tall.  I have plunked it into my raised veggie bed for the time being.  Roots look nice.  This bed drains well, so it should be happy here during January & February.  I need to find a good spot for it in the garden. 

And I've come home to a very messy garden with plenty of weeds to pull! I need to put the seed catalogs down and get to work outside.  Hmmm, maybe tomorrow.

Happy New Year!  ~Tracy


  1. I love Crystal Springs. I've never been during the winters months though. I should do that.

    1. It was lovely to walk around on a not too wet day, good memories! They've really cleared the ducks out. And - I forgot to post we saw bald eagles!

  2. Variegated 'Hercules', wow! Yours looks nicer than the tissue-cultured plants from Altman's. Keep us posted on its progress.

    1. I am excited about it - I think I got very lucky, the price has increased by $50 on the remaining plants he has listed. I think there were 5 total.

  3. I've never been to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, thanks for the push.

    1. It's such a nice spot to walk around. We were in awe of the moss everywhere :)

  4. All your photos look lush and lovely--from Portland and at your own garden at home. Glad to hear you had safe and pleasant travels and garden projects back at home. I'm envious because, of course, everything is dormant here in Wisconsin.

    1. Thank you Beth, yesterday was sunny & glorious felt like Spring. Now we are headed into colder & wetter weather :(.

  5. Happy New Year, Tracy. :)
    Aren't those seed and plant catalogues tempting?

    1. Yes-I would like to sit on the couch and make online purchases ALL DAY!

  6. Beautiful park, beautiful photos. You went from a very rainy winter to a very hot summer--one no-garden season to a different no-garden season? Either way you are very skilled--your garden proclaims that loud and clear.

    1. Thank you, that's very nice especially coming from someone with a stunning garden!


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