Broken drawers, double yolks and messy spots

I recently had a friend text me that a dozen eggs at Kroger's in Portland were $11.49!  We had empty egg shelves during Christmas around here, but when they were back in stock (limit 2 dozen per customer) the price was in the $7-9 neighborhood.  I'm curious what everyone is paying for a dozen eggs, if you are an egg purchaser. I grabbed cage free Jumbo Lucerne because that is what our Safeway had - DOUBLE YOLKS!  I don't know why this is so exciting, and I did wonder about my cholesterol levels during the day. *It was a freakishly large egg -reminded me of our ducks eggs.  

In spring of 2016, we ordered 6 baby ducks.  They arrived in a little peeping box via USPS.  We ordered our chicks the same way. The ducklings lived in the garage under a heat lamp until they were ready to live outside.

James and I put together a large coop for them to live in.  It's crazy to look back at the garden and see it full of perennials- I do not recognize it! So bright it hurts my eyes.  The ducks did a great service to the kinda crappy soil there.  
A freshly filled tub would get them all quacking and riled up, they were such fun!
I certainly got off track!  In my efforts to clean up a bit, I wanted to ground one of the Feijoa pineapple guava trees.  So out goes this old rosebush by the fence.  
It was a bit of a struggle to unearth the roots from the pot, but I don't think I hurt anything.
In she goes! I added an EdgeRight 14" corten steel ring - but I realize I need one more to attach for a proper ring for holding mulch.  It should be here any day. A good change, as this tree looks good year round - and the rose didn't.
Onto the mess around the vegetable beds. This area needs to blend in better with the rest of the garden.  To the right the bed was edged with iris and various succulents.  I pulled the iris and moved them around here and there, gave some away.  *You can see the tarp on the fence where the insane wind blew a couple fence panels down.  
And the bed on the left needed some help as well.  I repurposed plants that were growing too close to other plants, and grabbed a few from the greenhouse.  Added some rocks. Definitely a work in progress, but we're getting closer. *after this photo, added Boophone disticha,  agave & another Pachypodium lamerei. 
In front of the veg beds, added some San Pedro and Cereus repandus for height to shade the tomatoes & cukes that are grown back there.  Also just to "hide" the area a bit. 
Those rocks look really yellow there, that yellow dust rinses off. A Eucalyptus macrocarpa (8-10') should provide plenty of screening as well. Everything looks too small, but that's how it goes until it fills in. The clean-up continues.
In other news, we are getting bids to replace our kitchen cupboards - the cabinets are coming apart, and have been doctored as we can.  It's over.  Time to move on.  And replacing our carpet.  As much as I'd love to upgrade to wood everywhere, it's just too much $$$$$. This is a gardening blog, but let me know if you have any interest in seeing a before/after modest kitchen renovation.  I have so much packing to do to prepare for both kitchen and especially carpet install.  Yikes!

Have a great weekend :)


  1. Things tend to be more expensive in Canada, but I don’t think it applies to eggs. Last time I looked, there seemed to be plenty of selection, and my memory tells me between $6-8, but I wasn’t paying that much attention.

    BTW, things that I am hearing is that the egg and cholesterol scare was just that. I’ve read something like, “Eat as many as you want, as often as you want.” I believe this was credible science although I think they were making a point in the way that they said it.


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