Back home

 after a week in Cabo San Lucas. It was paradise, but as always I'm happy to be home! My absolute favorite moment was seeing sea turtles hatching and crawling their tiny selves to the ocean.  I can't post a video in blogger (grrr) so here's a snapshot. We just happened to be walking by at the right time, saw the first one climb out of the sand - many more to follow.  

And a couple days after, we saw a woman from the conservation project picking up eggs.  It seemed to me she counted about half and left the rest.  From what we were told, this helps a higher rate of the turtles survive. 

Our place rented through airbnb, Terra Sol was lovely.  We were right on the sand, beachfront.  Steps away from a pool with swim up palapa bar & eatery.  I did not carry my phone around much and was focused on enjoying the moment.  

Tina and I, friends since high school.  She's a great buddy, and fun travel partner.

The current was too strong for swimming, unless you were a very strong swimmer.   We did not, and there were hotel employees warning people not to get close when the tide was coming in.  One couple let their kids run right down into it!  Scary, they were quickly told no.

We could see the sunrise & sunset.
Really cool rock & granite formations.

Look at those faces!
A gorgeous place, it was hot 90° and humid, 74° ish at night.I spent a lot of time collecting and sorting shells. 

And before I knew it, the week was up!  I'd definitely go again, and stay at Terra Sol.  It was definitely a quieter scene than other beaches we visited.
And came home to my noID Aloe bloom just beginning! I'm guessing ferox hybrid, any thoughts? Those shade covers are now removed.

And Hakea laurina has a few little explosions herself!

Back to cleaning up for me this week!  The weather is glorious here, 80's all week.  Happy to be back with my family 💖.  I have a project starting on Monday that I can't wait to share!


  1. Beautiful scenery, Tracy! And I'm pleased to see the baby sea turtles even if virtually in a photo. I'm very envious of the Hakea - I've wanted one for a long time, although I've no idea whatsoever where I'd put it.

    1. The sea turtles were darling, we wanted to hold one -but of course did not. I'm so happy to have a few surviving Hakeas!

  2. Sea turtles--fun! And what a great adventure. Your photos are amazing! Back home and 80s sounds lovely. Usually I'd be jealous, but we're having such a mild autumn here--70s this weekend. I'll be jealous of you all winter, though. ;-)

    1. This is the warmest October I remember here, 70's sound just as perfect!

  3. The turtle experience must have been fantastic. You have lots of good photos, but the sunrise (or sunset) wins the prize. Are your videos just too big for blogger? You could post to YT and then insert into blogger.

    1. I still can't believe we saw turtles hatching, it was amazing. I'm not sure on the videos, just that is says "unavailable" after I post them. I think others have had the same issue.

  4. Gorgeous scenery. It's nice to get away, but it's nice to get home again, too. I think if you want to post a video longer than a few seconds, you have to post it to YouTube and then link it here.

    1. Yes, so true and in your own bed. Ok, I'll try Youtube & link. Good idea, thank you!

  5. Wonderful getaway, and with an old friend too, perfect! Love that hakea.

  6. Let's try that comment again, without the mistakes... Wow to the turtles and the aloe bloom!

  7. I can't believe you got to see baby sea turtles emerging! Super cute. And, love, love, love that powder blue palm tree.

    1. Oh, I dream of those palms! I still can't believe we were there when the turtles hatched.

  8. The beautiful silver-blue palms are Bismarkia noblis, native to Madagascar. They are magnificent.

    What a joy and privilege to see sea turtles hatch. I hope they got into the ocean and out to sea safely through that surf. What a special moment you had there. I love that photo of the rock "faces"! Cabo looks very beautiful. Nice you found a less hectic place to stay.

    1. Thank you for the palm id, I was wondering if it was Bismarkia or Brahea armata - I'd like either! The turtles were a magical moment, so wonderful. We watched them make it down to the ocean and the waves scooped them right up.

  9. So much. natural spendlor! (Go baby turtles, go!)

    1. Ha, yes. We were cheering them on their trek to the water!

  10. Automatic Garden here. Found a way to see your blog. What a great trip!

  11. Great photos! It looks like a beautiful place.

  12. Looking at your beautiful pictures of the coast has been wonderful. And once you have sorted your shells, what do you do with them?

    1. The largest shell, I'm going to attempt making a pendant. The others, I'm still in thinking mode. As top dressing for pots would be nice. Especially the black ones. I also brought back a nice quart sized bag of coarse sand.

  13. The aloe is quite spectacular, the only hardy plant grown here which comes close is the yucca

    1. I definitely have a love for aloes, that may have started my whole "dry garden" in the back.

  14. Beach combing... it's such a relaxing activity. I always bring home shells and rocks and then wonder what to do with them. I hope you have a plan :-D.
    Superb ocean and cliff formation shots, and of course, the hatchlings, they are the highlight. What a treasured moment for you and your friend.

    1. Sorting the shells felt very relaxing and puzzle-like. I need to do that more often. Thank you Chavli, we both treasure the trips together!


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