How's the weather up there?

 This Aloe Hercules has been putting on major growth. I was shocked when I looked back through photos (below).

from January 1, 2023 😮.  Wait, I was taller than this plant?  I was also surprised to note how many of these plants have been moved from this area.  
This thick hearty trunk brings me great joy. The bottom leaves dry and self clean.
I noticed a wonky leaf near the top, and wondered what was happening up there.  From an upstairs window I couldn't tell?
So, up I go! Yep,  2 heads are happening.  I'm thrilled about it, and wonder how it will change over the next year.  
I've been busy cleaning here and there, much more to do.  The Banksia I put in the tank, and then abandoned this project, haha.  It is so happy, I guess it's staying.

Oof, that's pretty.
Did you know praying mantis molted?  I sure didn't! I hope it went and munched a nice fat grasshopper after this process.  
Have a great week, has it cooled where you are?  We are in a lovely week of 70's, shocking!  But I see Monday should be 96°.  I think it's a one off, and I hope so because all the shade cloth is packed and put away.


  1. Hi... we are hot here in Northwest Wisconsin.. TOO HOT... two days in the 90's!!! This is far, far from normal mid September temperatures. I had to pick our apples, they were turning to mush on the tree.

    1. I envy you and all your apples, but not your weird heat wave-I hope it cools quickly!

  2. Praying mantis v. grasshopper, a terrifying contest to contemplate but I hope the PM wins! Love the sturdy trunk on your Herc, compared to my tall and thin Herc whose stability scares me a little. Congrats on your blooming banksia, lucky you, such botanical treasures.

    1. I still worry it will topple, as they can. Thank you Denise - I was just looking at your photos and was completely blown away!

  3. Yay for Hercules and the Banksia bloom! The buds on my 2 Protea nerifolia have gotten big but I'm still crossing my fingers they don't dry up without blooming. It's been absolutely lovely here this week as well and we even have a slight (25%) chance of rain on Thursday but some forecasters expect we'll creep back into the 80s next week.

    1. I bet the Protea blooms will be beautiful, especially if you get that bit of rain Thursday (fingers crossed). I'm trying not to think about next week, I think we get hot again. Hopefully with the shorter days it won't feel too severe.

  4. That thing has grown. We cooled off to very fall-like temps, but they can't fool me. I'm sure things will warm up again for us. The forecast calls for warmer weather this weekend.

  5. This northeast gardener was so amazed by the Hercules Aloe that she read up and found they can grow up to 40 feet - a tree! My aloes are houseplants. I hope your coming hot weather doesn't stay long. We get some of our best weather the first two weeks of September and it's been wonderful, after our rainy summer.

    1. They are good growers, I do love aloes. I'm so glad you're having nice weather!


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