A small revamp
Probably not much change, but I wanted to "lift" this bed and freshen the top dressing. Here is a before, sorry for the "hot" photos, this area really gets blasted by the sun. I was working on a timeline, I had a 3pm dentist appointment. *I'm just about at the end of a 7 month invisalign treatment to move a molar back in line. THIS was the main reason, this ground cover is beautiful in spring covered with tiny pink flowers. Then as we get hotter it turns into a brown crispy blob. Not tough enough! And the blue elf aloe does ZILCH for me. Scorched ends. I find that when plants are labeled drought tolerant full sun, that doesn't always cover my full sun situation. We are headed into 7 days of 100°, Wednesday is supposed to be 106°. Thankfully we do cool down at night, I'll go out in the mornings and hopefully clean my house in the afternoons. :) Some big fruits on Echinopsis had split open. I set aside the silver torc...