A surprise guest and moving a monster!

 While in Cave Creek, AZ we had an uninvited guest who hopped on the rental car.  I'm posting a saguaro pic first, if you don't like creepy crawlies skip this.

After we drove to Lowe's to get a few things (our host had just moved in and is renovating a cool ranch house), we loaded the trunk of the rental car.  Carol closed the hatch back.  I turned around to say something to her instead I said "don't panic Carol and put your arm down".  She had an ENORMOUS TARANTULA ON HER CHEST! An Arizona Blonde, as it turns out.  Obviously I didn't get a picture of the tarantula on her chest, if only I was an "influencer" I would've thought of that, hahaha.  Here it is after swatting to the ground.  We returned back to the house, Carol immediately poured herself a glass of wine.  I don't blame her!  The tarantula was unharmed, she crawled away.  Lots of empty land nearby for her to be fine.
I have to say, with this group this is par for the course.  A couple years ago, I woke up around 2 a.m. (Tina's house) with 3 raccoons at my feet.  She lives in the city of Portland,  suburban street.  

Also, in other news I didn't share.  Ivan moved my GIANT monstera outside.  Who knows if it will recover, it is quite crispy now from a few hot days.  The tulip tree has leafed out, so it is getting more protection now. At I'm guessing 9' tall- it is just overpowering the front room.  Hopefully it enjoys the outdoors. 
Happy Spring chores to everyone, what are you busy with?  I spent yesterday mulching the front garden, not my favorite chore, but necessary to help with water retention.  A lovely white delphinium improves the view. 

Would a tarantula on your chest cause panic, or would you want to pet it?


  1. I DEFINITELY wouldn't pet a tarantula and my instinct would be to immediately brush it away before giving the matter a second's thought, just as I did when a much smaller spider landed in my hair earlier this week. I do trap and move lizards outside when my cat brings them in from her catio but I can't say I extend the same courtesy to spiders...As to the raccoons, did you figure out how they got into Tina's house in the first place?!

    1. The lizards can stay, I agree. I've grown to like them zipping around the garden. Yes, "someone" left the slider open and they came in to party and enjoy cat crunchies. :)

  2. I moved my monstera outside, all the leaves got sun burnt and perished now. :(

    1. It's not looking good lately, mine may suffer the same fate as yours sadly.

  3. Oh gosh, I think I would freak out a bit...mainly because I'm not used to encountering tarantulas. Thanks for sharing the stories and the beauty of the spring gardens. :)

  4. Tarantula on my chest is a hard no. I'm not generally scared of spiders but that's on a whole different level. So raccoons at your feet... inside the house? Tell me more...

    1. hahaha! We have them here in Livermore, but I've never seen one. We asked around, lifelong residents of AZ and they had never come across one. Scorpions yes, tarantulas NO. Oh, the raccoons! *Someone* left the slider open. I woke up to a rowdy house party of masked bandits getting drunk on cat crunchies.

  5. I may be 6 feet under today if a tarantula was on my chest.... not a fan of BIG spiders. LOL!!
    Raccoons?? Goodness me, now this is a story for another day!

    1. Ha! And you have your fair share of wildlife!

  6. If it was on me, panic. If it was on a companion, I just might ask her to stand still so I could take a picture!

    1. You know, she was very pretty. I probably liked her more than Carol & Tina. But she wasn't ON me, totally different!

  7. I'm glad the tarantula escaped to survive another day. Interesting animals, but I wouldn't want one on my chest either. Are you going to bring the Monstera back in for the winter? Take cuttings? Leave it to its fate? You must have good lighting for it to have developed all of those nice windows and splits. Some half-hearted attempts at weeding around here and one bucket of mulch. Tomorrow will be powerhouse day, I think, where I try to do more.

    1. Ooh, I like that powerhouse day statement! I thought I could protect the monstera somehow outside, but truly that is ridiculous. So I'll try to construct some sort of greenhouse panel thing around it. It is just to big for the house, and I do have other monstera (inside). Ivan is responsible for starting that monster off, I had a grow light on it here plus by a window. Hopefully it at least thrives this summer?


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