Sun and rain.  It has warmed up a bit in Livermore, 60 days and 40/50 nights.  2024 has started off very kind to this area.  *My parents did lose power for 17 hours, they live in Portland, OR.  They are both in great health, however they are both 81 so I worry about them.  They pushed their couches up to the fireplace and slept there to stay warm.  I'm relieved this is the last day of ice and looks like a big thaw is coming.   I headed out to tackle some grass/weeds coming up in the pathways, I really should've used a pre-emergent.

I pulled a few buckets full, and thought "there must be a better way"!  I don't want to use Round-up, obviously.  I've heard of using boiling water, so I'm trying that.  I don't think it will kill the roots though?  Just boiled the tops, has anyone used this method with success?  I also have vinegar I'll go dump that around today.

Most of the time, I don't mind weeding -but I was just not into it.   I found myself driving to our local nursery, Alden Lane.  Jack and Ruth Williams opened this nursery in 1955 amongst centuries old Oak trees.  Their daughter Jacqueline now runs the nursery, she's as friendly as can be.
The trees are incredible.  They hold classes in that little empty alcove behind the gate.  
Although the tables weren't at full capacity, it was still lovely to walk around.  Way more fun than pulling weeds, lol.

Tables are nicely separated, succulents/cactis, herbs, veg, perennials (shade & full sun).

Pretty holly by the front entrance, 'Nellie R. Stevens'.
Fountains, ponds, and the pots are grouped by color.
The camellia section was blooming!
The dry garden area, including a couple rows of CA native plants.
Smaller leucadendrons
Banksia ericifolia had cool cones. 
Lots of seed choices inside.
2" succulent/cacti - they've really increased this section ,which I appreciate.
Sweet daphne, I almost brought this home.  I managed to just have a nice walk around tho, not a single purchase.  
I completely shirked my duties.  Zero excuses!   We have an atmospheric river headed our way this weekend, hopefully no flooding.  And thankfully, it is warm so I don't have to worry about plants being logged with water then hit with a freeze.  Last year was full of that nonesense.

Any Spring planning?


  1. What a beautiful nursery. We have lots of ice this morning but we are finally getting above freezing later in the day. Hopefully the mess will be gone soon.

    1. Yes, I'm so glad the big melt should be happening soon! What a nasty storm that was.

  2. NE Portland lagged way behind in the warm up, we finally hit 32 late yesterday, now today they're saying there maybe more freezing rain. I'm praying that's just closer to the Gorge, east of 205, but who knows. That looks like a fantastic nursery! I grew a Banksia ericifolia for a couple of years, what a great plant.

    1. Ugh, that freeze is just hanging out there! My mom has officially gone stir-crazy, and a friend that lives near Troutdale is also really "over it". I can't wait for you guys to thaw! Yes, the cones on that Banksia were so slender, like candles.

  3. I love that nursery! That gorgeous tree, I have always wanted to climb it. Pretty holly too

    1. No climbing, unless you are squirrel sized! hahaha

  4. We're under the polar vortex like so many folks currently. So your post is encouraging--thank you. I loved seeing the Camellias and Holly...and everything else. :)

  5. Let me know if boiling water works. Even though I used Preen, I have weeds sprouting in places I missed.

    BTW, you're lucky to have such a nice nursery!

    1. I'm guessing it just boiled the tops, but not so certain about it destroying the root? Yes, I agree - I love having Alden Lane so close by.

  6. My husband tried the boiling water method on weeds and it worked, at least for a time. I love this nursery, especially that wonderful oak in the 5th photo.

  7. You left the nursery empty handed - how??? I would have loved to have bought a holly plant myself. :)


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