Barely rainy Saturday.  This winter has been so mild, I'm starting to forget how nasty last year was.  Initially we were to expect a half inch of rain, it looks like closer to a quarter inch.  The winds died down, and it is warmer thankfully -about 55.

Several of my aloes are ready to burst forth with bloom, I'm thrilled even if they seem a little late. Aloe 'Tangerine', this was planted in the Spring of '23 so I am delighted it has bloomed.
And both of the new Aloe Munchii have blooms starting.
Aloe ferox hybrid of some sort. 

Salvia still enjoying the mild winter.  I like it paired with this dark euphorbia and dudleyas behind.
I planted several of these salvia to border the path, thinking I'd like some blooms amongst all the cacti in the summer.  
And after lunch, put together a shallow bowl of cuttings to use for a project in the Spring.  

I've been getting updates from my parents in Portland, OR.  The temperature keeps dropping, I think it is 11 degrees there now, not much snow.  Horrible wind gusts from the Gorge.  Their power has flickered many times this morning, but is still on.  They do have a gas fireplace, so they'll stay warm.  And my mom has cooked a delicious dinner in a chafing dish before, so I know they'll eat.  *During an ice storm when I was young,  she whipped up some magic in a chafing dish with a candle under, it was so good, cheesy and piping hot!  It looks like they won't warm up seriously until Wednesday.  She put all her potted plants in the garage.  Thinking of the Oregon gardens out there, let me know any updates!


  1. I'm in Vancouver, just across the river from Portland. 18 all day here today and constant snow. We are not supposed to get above freezing until Tuesday.

    1. I hope you're staying warm Philip! My parents were out of power from 10a Saturday to 4a Sunday. Thankfully they had their fireplaces both running to keep the house warm.

  2. To think my local friends and I've been complaining about our 50-55F daytime temperatures! I can't imagine the icy rain some people are dealing with. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. We're having a very dry January - none of the storms moving through Northern California have been reaching us. Forecasters are currently giving us a good (50%) chance of light rain a week from tomorrow but I've heard that story before.

    I love your Aloes. I need more of those.

    1. It's just ugly cold there, at least if there had been a blanket of snow for protection. And it's pretty. Hopefully you finally get some rain down there!

  3. Wow! I love your garden and gardening! Thanks for visiting my blog in wintery Ontario.

  4. Your garden delights the eyes! I'd show pictures of mine, but it pales in comparison.

    1. You are so kind, and I'll admit to having plenty of spots that are a mess right now - I just didn't show them, hahaha.

  5. Ahh, Salvias, I have them in a vase this week. Your bowl of cuttings looks lovely just how it is ... do you have to transplant them? Maybe some will grow too big, or you have an even better project in mind for them. :)

    1. I put them in a big plastic saucer (with no drainage) just to root. I have a side wall "strip" planting area I would to mound and beef up with succulents. But, I do like how it looks - will keep my eye out for cheap large terra cotta saucer I can drill a hole into.

  6. Low here was 13 on Saturday, it's horrid. So many people I know without power or with trees on their house, thankfully our power has remained on. Tomorrow (Tues) there's an ice storm predicted and FINALLY on Wed we're supposed to be above freezing. This is uncharted territory for my garden, I have no idea what to expect.

    1. My parents power was out 17 hours Sat-early Sunday. They pushed their couches up to their fireplace so they could sleep by the warmth. I'll be watching your blog to see how your garden deals with the arctic blast after the mild start to winter. This one was a real doozy!

  7. Beautiful!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Here in north Mississippi the snow started sometime last night, and now ( mid-afternoon) we are having more sleet than snow. Temperature is 17.
    Lea @ Lea's Menagerie

    1. Brrr, Lea - I don't think of Mississippi as ever getting that cold!

  8. Your gardens and Aloe plants are amazing! My Long Island garden is under a covering of snow right now, which will insulate it from the deep cold. Thank you for the views!

    1. Thank you, I look forward to seeing your Long Island garden spring into Spring! Snow is so much better than ice.

  9. I loved your succulents, be they cactii or blooming aloe. I do know what it's like to get winter weather when it isn't that normal for your area and even when we are more prepared for it, like in my part of New York State, it's no fun. I feel for the areas getting ice, especially.

    1. Thank you, I totally agree, ice is just ugly. My fingers are crossed that we are lucky this year and February will be as mild as January has turned out to be.

  10. I'm anxiously waiting for my aloe flowers to open. And the waiting is driving me crazy!


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