
Fun day and I say cool too many times.

In the front garden,  I have some spots that need filling in.  Typical for this time of year.  I perused around Livermore & Pleasanton and just wasn't finding anything fun.  My next thought was to take a jaunt out to Curious Flora, formerly Annie's Annuals in Richmond.  I texted Sophia to see if she wanted to be my partner in crime for the day. Lucky for me, she was free! I got to Berkeley at 11, we both quickly decided one plant stop, then LUNCH.  FlowerLand it is, good lunch choices around there.  Lo and behold, it was STOCKED with Curious Flora offerings.  And they were unloading a huge truck of succulents as well.  The store looked fabulous,  fresh ginger rock pathways and packed with wonderful plants. I couldn't resist grabbing a Papver hybrid, sugar plum poppy. Even tho it's a one and done, I love the fluffy bloom.   Sophia spotted this Anigozanthos, kangaroo paw from  Waltzing Matilija . The most vivid coloring ...

Spring migration

I've been bringing pots out of the greenhouse and placing them here & there.  I had them in for protection from rain more than cold.  A completely unnecessary task this year. *I was hang, hang hanging and got a good poke from the Yucca filifera in the middle of this photo - my whole pant leg was soaked with blood into my sock!  *It's fine now.  This smaller "frame" had completely rusted out and fallen, oops.   A work in progress, lots of things need sprucing.  Chair covers need to be packed away, and plants are stacked every which where! Ivan hung manazanita branches in the shade house for the Tillandsia.  And 2 steel drywall sheets on the walls to hang plants from 😀 Bravo! These 3 porcelain/leather strapped planters from inside I hadn't used in a while got placed on the post. This is definitely saying, get busy Tracy! As I was falling asleep last night, I thought -try turning the big egg beater upside down.  Tillandsia blooming. Yeah, I've g...

Catch up

 I've been lax on posts lately.  Spring is springing, couple days of rain per week spaced out pretty perfectly.  Next Tuesday is predicted to be 85° !  What?  I guess the flip has switched.   But first, some inside news.  The kitchen cabinets were delivered, filling the garage! Thankfully there is a small path to walk all the way around, that rack in the right corner is full of garden supplies - seeds, pruners, saw, etc., etc.  Monday was predicted to be really rainy & windy, so why not get the living room painted.  After lots of pondering and discussion, we agreed on the color 'Saturday on Sunday'. Described as a dark blue grey with green.  To me, it isn't grey at all (a dealbreaker for me, I don't want to look at grey). After the cabinets are installed I'll also paint the kitchen the same color.  Backdrop paint, I love their paint.  The low sheen, great coverage, low odor & the colors. A few weeks back, I happene...